
Types of resumes:

Writing a Resume

A resume conveys your professional story - your motivations, skills, interests, and values. It demonstrates to employers the value you add to their team and mission.

Highlight experiences and skills that are relevant to the position. Be specific when writing descriptions and incorporate numbers when possible to quantify your achievements.

Reviewers typically look at resumes for 10-20 seconds. Keep their attention by being concise, consistent, organized, and clear.

Meet with a Career Advisor, Career Contact, Career Mentor, or professional in your field to review your resume before submitting to ensure the resume is tailored to the job/field and to avoid typos.

Career Center offers assistance with resumes through:

Submission & Formatting suggestions:

Should a resume be longer than one page?

Ideally, your resume as an undergraduate won't be longer than a page, but depending on the circumstance, audience, or goal, a resume can exceed a page. If a resume exceeds the first page, ensure that the all of content is relevant to the application. 

Here are examples of longer resumes for a variety of purposes, such as research and grad school. 

Check out resumes written by actual Eckerd College students

Remember that these were tailored for specific positions, organizations, and goals, so make sure to tailor your resume to best highlight your unique skills and experiences.